waiver of Culture Award for outdoor advertising
Mir wurde eine interessante Nachricht aus Norwegen zugespielt: NRK-Website (norwegische Rundfunkgesellschaft).
Publiziert: 15.09.2005 in den Kulturnachrichten auf NRK P2
Verzicht auf Kulturpreis aus Protest
Der Leiter von Nattjazz in Bergen, Jon Skjerdal, sagt nein danke zum Kulturpreis der Gemeinde Bergen aus Protest, dass die Gemeinde einen Vertrag mit der Plakatgesellschaft Clear Channel für die städtische Aussenwerbung eingehen soll.
Von Gro Malnes Øvrebø und Mie Sundberg
- For me it is absurd to assume a cultural award of a city, which is culture city number 1, but still gives this city of culture a shot across the bow by leased the visual cityscape of a multinational commercial organization for a 15-year period. This means that for the whole childhood of my two small children.
go this way Jon Skjerdal both 25 000 kronor and pride and honor to the mountain community through their fingers, but that did not care.
on Monday is intended to make the community a deal set up in what Clear Channel in the city signs must include the city on bus shelters.
Bad Signal Effect
Skjerdal Jon says he has made calculations to how much money there is in the contract, and that it does not come as cheaply as claimed by the city politicians. Thus he had the feeling that he had now no choice.
- I am of the opinion that this was a big mistake on the part of the community. It would be a much stronger signal to Norway and the world for cultural eigenvalue of Bergen, to say no to such a poster contract with a company such as Clear Channel.
The Finance and Cultural Advisory Council in Bergen, Henning Warlo regrets that the Nattjazz chief today rejected the cultural prize of the community.
- This was surprising, but I have grossen Respekt für seine Sicht der Dinge, selbst wenn wir unterschiedlicher Ansicht sind.
Kulturnytt, NRK P2, 15. september 2005
(Übersetzung: CH)
Nachtrag: am 25.10.2005 hat die Stadt Bergen dank Protesten von Kulturschaffenden beschlossen, den Vertrag mit Clear Channel doch nicht einzugehen. Die Übersetzung ist weiter unten bei den Kommentaren: Jubler over reklame-nei (Jubel über Reklame-Nein)
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