Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Character Affadavits For Immigration

harm another poster advertising media - honest!

Die APG spricht eine deutliche Sprache:

Quelle: APG-Website

In der Schweiz hat Aussenwerbung mit rund 15% der Gesamtwerbeausgaben international eine der höchsten Quoten, wenn nicht die höchste überhaupt. Was die APG nochmals auf den Tisch bringt erklärt sich von selbst: Part of the expenditure for billboards go from other advertising media, eg press, radio, TV, the advertising revenue is vital to disseminate information and entertainment.

But this is the poster "honest." Florian Walz, Swiss Poster Research Project Manager at APG:
"This honesty creates almost no other medium. Other mix between purpose, information and entertainment. It is packaged advertising "hidden believes Walz. This boundary between advertising and honesty can sometimes create problems. The poster advertising the other hand, is clearly declared as such. "If advertising is so honest communication is the acceptance there. It is played for me. "
Source: Werbewoche

But even an "honest" newspaper, would be without advertising, then, with editorial content and images, not force in everyday life. They would get only at newsstands or by subscription and not every time you leave the house. And yet a surprising number of people accept this force-feeding. A surprising number of media we tolerate that the poster advertising revenue skimmed off them. Maybe we'll find out in this forum, why.

also telephone and unaddressed letterbox advertising are "honest" advertising media. They sell nothing more than advertising. Despite this honesty that kind of advertising enjoys in the industry not always popular. Probably at least one of the following addresses to the CEO of Affichage:

It is good to know that one is not alone ...


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