Friday, March 24, 2006

Where Does Sinus Rinse Go

Wed, 03/29/2006: Foundation IG poster / space / society

This coming Wednesday in the establishment of the IG poster / space / company (P / R / G) instead. The IG P \u200b\u200b/ R / G has set itself the goal to obtain a sustainable reduction in advertising space in the city and canton of Zurich.

recorded poster and outdoor advertising for decades, a growing trend. Duopolistin APG is right when she says, applies to Switzerland as a poster country. Poster advertising in Switzerland has Europe-if not the world's highest proportion of total advertising expenditure.

IG P \u200b\u200b/ R / G is not against advertising itself. It recognizes advertising in the media, which enables content to finance the first order. Advertising is a reflection of the zeitgeist, and as such has its social - and economic - Authorization.

Other media can turn off or avoid. Outdoor advertising is unavoidable, but in daily life. They also paid not the public space and does not create community. It will not integrate into the city or country image. In particular, international and national commercial advertising is not in the public domain, because the public space enjoyed by the public, so the people who live in it.

Membership is open to all natural and legal persons.

establishing the IG poster / space / society

Wednesday 29 March 2006, 19:30 clock

Gartenhofstrasse 27
canteen der Genossenschaft Dreieck, im Innenhof
8004 Zürich

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Design Hand Embroidery Software

waiver of Culture Award for outdoor advertising

Mir wurde eine interessante Nachricht aus Norwegen zugespielt: NRK-Website (norwegische Rundfunkgesellschaft).

Publiziert: 15.09.2005 in den Kulturnachrichten auf NRK P2
Verzicht auf Kulturpreis aus Protest

Der Leiter von Nattjazz in Bergen, Jon Skjerdal, sagt nein danke zum Kulturpreis der Gemeinde Bergen aus Protest, dass die Gemeinde einen Vertrag mit der Plakatgesellschaft Clear Channel für die städtische Aussenwerbung eingehen soll.

Von Gro Malnes Øvrebø und Mie Sundberg

- For me it is absurd to assume a cultural award of a city, which is culture city number 1, but still gives this city of culture a shot across the bow by leased the visual cityscape of a multinational commercial organization for a 15-year period. This means that for the whole childhood of my two small children.

go this way Jon Skjerdal both 25 000 kronor and pride and honor to the mountain community through their fingers, but that did not care.

on Monday is intended to make the community a deal set up in what Clear Channel in the city signs must include the city on bus shelters.

Bad Signal Effect
Skjerdal Jon says he has made calculations to how much money there is in the contract, and that it does not come as cheaply as claimed by the city politicians. Thus he had the feeling that he had now no choice.

- I am of the opinion that this was a big mistake on the part of the community. It would be a much stronger signal to Norway and the world for cultural eigenvalue of Bergen, to say no to such a poster contract with a company such as Clear Channel.

The Finance and Cultural Advisory Council in Bergen, Henning Warlo regrets that the Nattjazz chief today rejected the cultural prize of the community.

- This was surprising, but I have grossen Respekt für seine Sicht der Dinge, selbst wenn wir unterschiedlicher Ansicht sind.

Kulturnytt, NRK P2, 15. september 2005
(Übersetzung: CH)

Nachtrag: am 25.10.2005 hat die Stadt Bergen dank Protesten von Kulturschaffenden beschlossen, den Vertrag mit Clear Channel doch nicht einzugehen. Die Übersetzung ist weiter unten bei den Kommentaren: Jubler over reklame-nei (Jubel über Reklame-Nein)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Words Of Encouragement For A Sick Baby

Open letter to Kathy Martelli

Ajuni Burk hat diesen offenen Brief an Kathrin Martelli geschrieben (siehe weiter unten). Weitere Protestnoten an sind jederzeit angebracht.

Selbstverständlich können auch andere Politikerinnen und Politiker sowie Fachpersonen kontaktiert werden. Hier eine Auswahl an Leuten, die mit Plakatwerbung involviert sind:
Christian Krauter, CEO Affichage:
Ulrich von Bassewitz, CFO Affichage:
Beat Roeschlin, CEO Clear Channel:
Bernard Liechti, Leiter Reklameanlagen, Amt für Städtebau:
Urs Spinner, Kommunikationsbeauftragter Hochbaudepartement:

Und hier der offene Brief:

Sehr geehrte Frau Martelli

With astonishment in the press I have taken note of the decision to increase the number of billboards in the city of Zurich by 15%, arguing that there is a huge demand. How beautiful - the arms race between nations, there is a strong demand, specifically for weapons. But what happens if the offer is increased? The demand continues to rise, the spiral rotates beyond all bounds, or it comes to war.

transmitted by posters, take the consequences of not quite so dramatic: At some point, probably just the entire public space (which is well understood ALLEN - have thus in a democracy ALL have a say when it comes to its design) be pasted with posters which fit neither in the environment (as well? posters are designed so that they stand out as possible), nor will the city even have a touch of appeal.

an illustration of the arms race metaphor is a simple example: Suppose, now are City Council elections. One party decides to twice as many billboards as in the last election with a picture of their candidates decorate. The FDP must be there, for better or worse, follow suit and make twice as many billboards as well as four years earlier. Other parties followed suit. Demand is rising and rising and rising. The offer also. The faces are everywhere.

Were it is not another way? I'm no economist, but if demand exceeds supply, there is a very effective way I know: it raises prices. So you need have no fear that the deal would be with the advertising posters for the city less profitable. The industry can not afford that, you say? Now, the city can not afford additional posters more. Also has to evade the trade is always the possibility of alternative forms of advertising. By the way: that the offer is extended by 15% and the city it is hopeful to take the same money as before, probably means that in future each poster earns less is? The public space at a bargain price, so to speak?

I urge you to stop the madness stop and the "poster in Switzerland (the site of the still-monopolist APG is a veritable treasure trove of outrageous statements, treat yourself to a look) help not to even more massive dissemination. The town and the residents of this city will thank you.


) Best regards
Ajuni Burk

Reply by Urs Spinner, Communications Officer of the Structural Engineering Department of the City of Zurich:

Dear Ms. Burk

Councillor Kathrin Martelli hat mich gebeten, auf Ihre Mail zu antworten.

Es freut uns, dass Sie sich um den öffentlichen Raum sorgen, ist er doch ein kostbares und - wie Sie selber zurecht betonen - beschränktes Gut. Wir dürfen Ihnen aber versichern, dass die Stadt Zürich gerade mit den neuen und bestehenden Konzepten dafür sorgt, dass es zu keinem Wildwuchs kommt. Dennoch müssen Plakate in einer Stadt Platz haben, aber wir wollen sie eben am richtigen Ort platziert haben. Die 15% Erhöhung hat vor allem auch mit den neuen Entwicklungsgebieten in der Stadt Zürich zu tun, also alte Industriestandorte, wo heute Dienstleistungen entstehen. Da haben wir einfach mehr Fläche zur Verfügung, wo wir sorgfältig auch plakatieren want. It will therefore come to no "arms race" - simply because it has not infinite space for posters.

For further information, you may refer to our website where you can download the free concepts:

friendly Greetings

Urs Spinner
( urs.spinner @ )

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Size 8.5 Yellow Nike Freeks

15% more billboards in Zurich

The city of Zurich makes a new contract for the management of their billboards (about 1 / 4 of billboards within the city limits). Yesterday it was announced that 15% more billboards should be created ( press release from 7:03:06).

The press quoted Kathrin Martelli, Councillor that the city hoped to regain the same number of receipts, the Tages-Anzeiger estimates this year to 2-3 million.

If that means that is earned 15% less per square meter can buy the billboard companies, the public space for a bargain.

According to press release of the city is an unmet demand for billboards. This demand is a purely economic demand. It is not the demand of the population for more billboards.

it moves us to the question, the price which the public space has. Can the public space for 3 million francs to be leased (with an annual income statement of the city of 6-7 billion)? Is it worth to us?
Or: Does it really this advertising space for our well-being? Is it really the company that makes a bargain?

tender of Zurich
rules on the attachment of advertising investments in basic public

articles from the press:
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 08:03:06:
Advertise rules
Tages-Anzeiger, 08:03:06 :
The city of Zurich increased its Plakatflächen, 08.03.06:
Stadt Zürich: Plakatvertrag für Werbung neu ausgeschrieben
Werbewoche, 08.03.06:
Stadt Zürich wartet mit neuem Plakat-Konzept auf
Werbewoche, 22.02.06:
Plakat-Showdown in Zürich

Character Affadavits For Immigration

harm another poster advertising media - honest!

Die APG spricht eine deutliche Sprache:

Quelle: APG-Website

In der Schweiz hat Aussenwerbung mit rund 15% der Gesamtwerbeausgaben international eine der höchsten Quoten, wenn nicht die höchste überhaupt. Was die APG nochmals auf den Tisch bringt erklärt sich von selbst: Part of the expenditure for billboards go from other advertising media, eg press, radio, TV, the advertising revenue is vital to disseminate information and entertainment.

But this is the poster "honest." Florian Walz, Swiss Poster Research Project Manager at APG:
"This honesty creates almost no other medium. Other mix between purpose, information and entertainment. It is packaged advertising "hidden believes Walz. This boundary between advertising and honesty can sometimes create problems. The poster advertising the other hand, is clearly declared as such. "If advertising is so honest communication is the acceptance there. It is played for me. "
Source: Werbewoche

But even an "honest" newspaper, would be without advertising, then, with editorial content and images, not force in everyday life. They would get only at newsstands or by subscription and not every time you leave the house. And yet a surprising number of people accept this force-feeding. A surprising number of media we tolerate that the poster advertising revenue skimmed off them. Maybe we'll find out in this forum, why.

also telephone and unaddressed letterbox advertising are "honest" advertising media. They sell nothing more than advertising. Despite this honesty that kind of advertising enjoys in the industry not always popular. Probably at least one of the following addresses to the CEO of Affichage:

It is good to know that one is not alone ...

Monster Energy Distribution Warehouse


This post is to collect articles in the trade and popular press on outdoor advertising. Notes for further comments are always welcome. More advertising than 20minutes


Tages-Anzeiger 04:06:05: advertising with Trojan horse: City police blind eye to
21:02:04 bubbler blow to attack
11:10:05: artists illuminate the observatory with advertising logo
XX.YY.ZZ: demonstration against proposed illuminated signs
XX.YY.ZZ: Knie's 600-Children's posters - designed by children
29.01.04: 15,000 francs a month for advertising on church tower

Aargauer newspaper
23:09:05: Against the duration acoustic

Tagblatt of Zurich
21:09:05: white painted over billboards

05:01:06: billboard dredged to mobile phones
09/25/2005: Züri painted


08:03:06: billboards for once, going twice ...
08:03:06: APG before rollout Rollingstar200L
07:03:06: city of Zurich is waiting with a new poster concept
22:02:06: poster showdown in Zurich
11/30/2005: The motorcyclist
15.12.05: APG: Poster enjoys great popularity
21.10.05: H & M: Poster advertising is also reduced in Switzerland
20:07:04: poster advertising: no effect of seasonal influences

iQ - Quarterly information for university and ETH
October 2005: "Züri Malt - A Date with white posters
April 2004: uncontrolled growth in the advertising wood

Orange Newsletter
XX.YY.ZZ: Orange with an impressive presence at the airport