Monday, January 17, 2011

National Cheerleading Jacket Black

"Like me" Facebook Button Insert - Blogspot - Blogger

The use of these instructions at your own risk.

Since I "Like" this button from Facebook on my side, I have received numerous emails with the question as you include this button on Blogger / Blogspot. To answer all emails must not now, here comes the guide. The code is at the end of this post.

Go to the "design" and "Edit Html" press

Before you follow this, please read and advance a Sicherheitskopie runterladen!!

Die Fotos werden größer wenn ihr darauf klickt.

In der Html Vorlage nach folgender Zeile suchen


direkt darunter folgenden Code einfügen

<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='" , + data: + post.url " & layout = & button_count show_faces = false & width = 180 & action = & like font = arial & color scheme = light & quot; 'frameborder = '0' scrolling = 'no' style = 'border: none; overflow: hidden; width: 180px; height: 30px;' />

Sometimes it happens that the button does not always under the post, but right next to the last sentence that you wrote the post.
....( Just as I have here an example so calm)

can change it by doing one or two blank lines after the last sentence, then it is right again. Or place the cursor centered in the last blank line. Why is this, I know not, but I solve the problem. Maybe someone knows a different solution. You see but already in the preview, if the button is seated at the right place.


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