Dem Fahrkomfort zuliebe muß ein Auto möglichst weich gefedert sein. Handlichkeit und Fahrsicherheit verlangen dagegen eine möglichst straffe Abstimmung. Ein Konflikt, der unlösbar schien. Bis heute. Denn das Fahrwerk des neuen 7er zeigt, daß man mit neuen Lösungen auch das scheinbar Unmögliche möglich machen kann.
Dazu haben wir beispielsweise die neue Integral rear axle with a double-elastic support decoupled from the chassis. could be from a tiny wave to surface irregularities eliminated everything that you spoil the fun of driving: earnings.
same time provides a sophisticated new geometry of the steering knuckles to it that this almost unique ride is not about the expense of mobility. Whether it's emergency avoidance maneuvers or in corners, which will draw unexpectedly - the new 7 Series can be expanded at any time and accurately conduct. As we have done this little wonder could, explain here with impressive measurements. Even more impressive, however, it is to do what you like. For this You need no engineering degree, but only one license.
More on the new 7 Series at: Phone: 01 30 / 3335, Fax 089 / 4 7081 62 BMW Btx * #. Or a test drive at your local BMW dealer.
the new 7 Series.
(display: November 1994)
(display: November 1994)
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