Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Black And White Themed Birthday Invitations

Mercedes Benz 300CE - Topless for the whole family.

stubborn bachelors among the Cabriolet drivers use the limited Platzverhältnisse ihres Gefährts gerne als Ausrede: Mit der Gründung einer Familie müßten sie auf ihr geliebtes Hobby verzichten. Wir freuen uns, dieses langlebige Gerücht endgültig entkräften zu können: Unser neues 300 CE-24 Cabriolet hat auch im Fond zwei Sitzplätze, bei denen das Vergnügen nicht an den Knien der Mitfahrer endet.

Ein weiterer Grund, sich bei diesem Cabriolet über den Stern auf der Haube zu freuen, arbeitet direkt darunter: der 6-Zylinder-Motor mit Vierventiltechnik. Man sieht ihn nicht, man höfle ihn kaum, aber schon bei einer sanfteren Berührung des. Gaspedals erlebt man aufs angenehmste, was unsere Ingenieure in hundert Jahren über Antriebstechnik gelernt haben. Und wie viel Mühe sie sich mit dem Verdeck gegeben haben, zeigt vielleicht am deutlichsten, daß ein Hardtop gar nicht erst vorgesehen wurde. Sie können also den Wetterbericht ruhig auch mal außen vor lassen.

Wir haben uns selbstverständlich nicht damit begnügt, Sie und Ihre Lieben vor den Launen der Elemente zu schützen.
Denn eins muß auch ein Cabriolet mit Stern sein - sicher wie ein Mercedes. In den versenkbaren Fondkopfstützen verbirgt sich deshalb ein stahlharter Kern: der automatische Überrollbügel. Bei einem Überschlag, der für einen Cabrioletfahrer unangenehmsten Unfallart, schnellt er in nur 0,3 Sekunden hoch. So gesehen ist unser neues Cabriolet oben eigentlich gar nicht so ohne.

Ihr guter Stern auf allen Straßen

(Anzeige: Juni 1992)

How Can I Play A Undf Audio In Vlc?

the new 7 Series


Dem Fahrkomfort zuliebe muß ein Auto möglichst weich gefedert sein. Handlichkeit und Fahrsicherheit verlangen dagegen eine möglichst straffe Abstimmung. Ein Konflikt, der unlösbar schien. Bis heute. Denn das Fahrwerk des neuen 7er zeigt, daß man mit neuen Lösungen auch das scheinbar Unmögliche möglich machen kann.
Dazu haben wir beispielsweise die neue Integral rear axle with a double-elastic support decoupled from the chassis. could be from a tiny wave to surface irregularities eliminated everything that you spoil the fun of driving: earnings.
same time provides a sophisticated new geometry of the steering knuckles to it that this almost unique ride is not about the expense of mobility. Whether it's emergency avoidance maneuvers or in corners, which will draw unexpectedly - the new 7 Series can be expanded at any time and accurately conduct. As we have done this little wonder could, explain here with impressive measurements. Even more impressive, however, it is to do what you like. For this You need no engineering degree, but only one license.

More on the new 7 Series at: Phone: 01 30 / 3335, Fax 089 / 4 7081 62 BMW Btx * #. Or a test drive at your local BMW dealer.

the new 7 Series.

(display: November 1994)

What Does An Illinois License Look Like




The unique services in the nearly 150-year history of Omega found in a number of awards recognition. Among them the Grand Prize on the occasion der Weltausstellung 1900 in Paris, 6 Oskars und der begehrte Diamonds Award, den Omega dreimal gewann. Die Goldene Rose von Baden-Baden wurde Omega sechsmal verliehen. Den Titel ,,Uhr des Jahres" errang Omega 1994. Und mit dem Grand Prix Triomphe de l'Excellence Européenne, einem der angesehensten Kul­turpreise, wurde Omega für ihre Verdienste um die Erhaltung und Pflege europäischer Kultur und Lebensart ausgezeichnet. Damit wurde das konsequente Streben von Omega gewürdigt, mit Innovationen in Technologie und Design bleibende Werte zu schaffen. An diese Tradition knüpft Omega auch mit der neuen De Ville-Kollektion an. Mit sensibler Hand haben die Goldschmie­de und Designer diese modernen Klassiker geschaffen, die in Experts are already being referred to as "sculptures in miniature

Illustrated model. Omega De Ville, mechanical movement with manual winding, small second in 18 carat gold

Swiss made since 1848.. .


The sign of excellence

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Do what others only dream of.

four 100,000-Mark -.
dream projects for people who dare

. [Der Vorreiter der Camel-Trophy, wurde 1987 mit dieser bunten Werbeanzeige beworden. Zu Gewinnen gab es:

A) Expeditionsreise von Alaska nach Feuerland
B) 5 Ereignisse der Pop- & Rockszene
C) Ein Tuningauto nach Wunsch.
D) Die Verwirklichung eines persöhnliches Traumprojekt.

(Anzeige: April 1987)

What Do U Need To Have To Work At Autozone

Die schönen Seiten des Lebens sind für Sie keine Wunschträume, sondern ein selbstbewußter Ausdruck Ihrer persönlichen Freiheit.

Eine Souveränität, die Sie mit dem Jeep Grand Cherokee noch weiter ausbauen können: Zur Kraft seiner Sechs- oder Achtzylinder kommt permanenter Four-wheel drive. And
for luxury and elegance come ride comfort, space and security at a level as it is actually used by large sedans.

not surprising that he introduced also the first to the driver's airbag in the off-road areas - standard. Place your trust in your claim.

02273/957263 is our fax line to which you should send your address with the keyword ZJ 405 - you will receive detailed information

The original.

display: November 1994

Lista Dvd Milena Velba


"There can be no coincidence that Porsche drivers like to just under . Value systems is spoken "


When it comes to values, Porsche drivers know to combine the pleasant with the useful. They have their investment in a pleasant way to work and go well with it. That can mean driving at its best and value system at its best, well-kept Porsche models show that even after many years to achieve a high price. If they do not prefer to retain.
07141/303-209, -341, -518. Call us. We recommend a close partner in your Porsche for advice, test drive, and leasing deals.

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BMW 730i/740i - The 8th SYMPHONY

We call it the 8th Symphony - and mean the harmonious driving experience that you can experience with the new 8-cylinder engines in the BMW 7 Series. Whether in the 730i with 160 kW (218 hp) - the world's only 8-cylinder sedan in the 3-liter class, which is still being built - or in the 740i with 210 kW (286 hp), the new BMW 8-cylinder motor sets new standards. 4-valve technology and lightweight aluminum construction features are the most modern engine design. High elasticity with sovereign power delivery at low speed allows gelassene Fahrweise. Die seidige Laufkultur der neuen BMW Zylinder wird untermalt von einem Klangbild das Freude macht. Mit dem serienmäßigen Airbag für Fahrer und Beifahrer hat darüber hinaus in jedem BMW 7er ein noch höherer Sicherheitsstandard Premiere. Reservieren Sie sich einen Platz für die Uraufführung der neuen 8 Zylinder von BMW: beim BMW Händler.

BMW 730i/740i.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Acrostic Poem For Canada

Mercedes SLK (R170) spot remix

Vor Jahren fielen mir mehrere Spots zum damals aktuellen Mercedes SLK in die Hände.
Schöne Bilder zu einer etwas trägen klassischen Musik.
Das galt es zu ändern!
Gerade weil der Car is out of date, I think that fits the spot quite well with the blog. ;-)

Then I have an original Mercedes SLK spot found on VHS, not great but rare

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Where Can I Buy Short Industrial Bars

the Audi V8. - The other kind of reputation.

Some people know
Otto Wagner. Other
only Richard.

Suppose you are an architect and read on because you are in the name of Otto Wagner became hear everything. Let us continue, you are a man who looks a little different values \u200b\u200bdifferently.
Suppose also that, do you mean by prestige rather a special reputation as a superficial egotism. Then you may

have already flirted with the car you see on the left. It is an Audi V8 quattro. In the circle of your friends and business partners - you've probably thought - is such a car a very individual decision dar. Perhaps this even leads to a discussion. They could in this case, the clear, timeless lines indicate, on the clean layout, the Gently ¬ set signals that are not pompous and superficial prestige ¬ are begging. (Otto Wagner turned to the work significant time in the pompous founder of the clear light of Viennese Art Nouveau).
interior - more arguments - the honesty of the material. Leather or fine wool fabrics.
And also inside the extraordinarily advanced technology. Permanent four-wheel drive combined with electro ¬ cally controlled four-speed automatic transmission. Or the new 6-speed transmission. For example. Here, too, are parallels to the view of Otto Wagner. Some-one is correct then: "Richard Wagner was the name of" And you will know that open up a number of things just not any
And it will give you much pleasure even slightly ¬

the Audi V8....
The other type of

(display: June 1992)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

7 Week Old Baby Mucus

Mercedes Benz - 1987

There once was a diesel.

to feel nothing more from the tranquility of diesel yesterday. Nothing more heard from the former tacking when it starts at five clock under your window. All that remained of the legendary strengths: reliability, economy, environment conservation. Completely new is the spontaneous power - even at low speeds and temperatures. Relaxing to turn - in any situation: You feel the suspension with the multi-link rear axle. Great safe, and the interior - still a model of comfort.

And the outer qualities? The new diesel Mercedes also look like they are: Powerful elegance, style class. In every way. From all perspectives.

your lucky star on all roads.

(display: April 1987)

What Are Its Effect On Man And Other Livingthings

The first entry - Blog Description

As a car enthusiast and the way advertisers have I called this blog into private life.
goal: the preservation of interesting advertisements of the past.

But how did it happen?

A few months ago, my grandfather, I "inherited" some old magazines. (Vorgezogene inheritance, he is still alive.)
I promised natural to him once at some point to look into it.

To my surprise, then finally gave in fact a situation in which I was browsing one of these journals because of their title.
- The cover story was not interesting then. What I have noticed, however, the old car ads.
This seemed to me, as opposed to magazine design to really come from a different era.

photographs not "set right" on the computer and have been mostly praised the same multi-column text here in Automobile achievements of the past, as an exciting new product. - An interesting combination.

It quickly became clear to me that I those advertisements would archive. Since, however, would cut most ads destroy (both sides), the choice was quickly digitize it up.

But where contact with the data, and in what form of representation? - Of course from the net so that, as a blog.

So I can others who are also interested, these ads are available and may get even more posted.

Regards, Mick.

PS: The text of the ads are digitized by an OCR program and served again briefly from me was, but certainly not error-free.